Why Fiberglass Doors Are a Smart Investment for Homes

Why Fiberglass Doors Are a Smart Investment for Homes

Sep 26th 2024

Shopping for a new front door can be overwhelming. At some point in your search, you will likely be confronted with the dilemma of whether you should purchase a wood or fiberglass front door. While both have their own unique appeals, fiberglass ticks all the boxes when it comes to performance and practicality. Homebuilding and energy experts have often looked at fiberglass doors as a better long-term investment for homes.

If you’re in the market for a new front door and comparing wood versus fiberglass doors, please read on - your future self will thank you.

The True Cost of a New Front Door

Assessing the true cost of a new door purchase should follow a multi-pronged approach. Beyond the door’s face value, several other factors should be considered - namely energy efficiency and durability.

Energy efficiency

When it comes to thermal resistance (or retention), fiberglass doors are going to be much more efficient than wood. The core of a fiberglass door is made from polyurethane foam, an incredibly insulating material. This foam core reduces the heat transfer from the outside in, and vice-versa. Additionally , the thick polyurethane exterior of a fiberglass door is a much worse conductor of heat compared to wood. This means that your door’s exterior will hold onto less heat, and the little that is held onto will be stopped by the foam core.

A good example to compare the two is a cup versus a thermos.

knockety front doors

A cup filled with ice water left at room temperature will see the ice melt within an hour, and the drink will reach room temperature given another hour, give or take. A thermos, on the other hand, will keep your drink icey for hours on end, and your drink will likely still be below room temperature even if you come back to it the next day. This is because the thermos is a much better insulator than the table glass. A fiberglass door works like a thermos in this same way; It reduces the rate at which the exterior temperature impacts your drink (i.e. your interior living space).

This same principle applies to keeping your home warm during the colder seasons. Whether you are trying to keep your home cold during the summer, or warm during the winter, in either case your air conditioning unit will require much less energy to keep your home at a comfortable temperature.

A decrease in energy requirements means a significantly cheaper energy bill each month.

Energy.gov states that “a 1-1/2 inch (3.81 cm) thick (fiberglass) door without a window offers more than five times the insulating value of a solid wood door of the same size.

This energy adds up over the course of a year - imagine how much you’ll save during the lifetime of your home!

We say lifetime, because that's how long your fiberglass door will likely last you.

Fiberglass Durability

Knockety offers a lifetime guarantee on all fiberglass doors because they are so durable. Whether from short term day-to-day use like dents and scratches, or long-term impacts like warping, fiberglass doors are miles ahead of wood in durability.

Furthermore , fiberglass doors are much more resistant to weather conditions like heat, humidity and rain. Since fiberglass doesn’t absorb moisture, your door won’t crack or rot under extreme weather conditions like you often see with wood. Because fiberglass is a much worse conductor of heat than wood, warping is nearly impossible.

Another portion of durability is the maintenance required to keep its appearance. Wood is easily damaged and requires regular maintenance like staining and painting. Keeping a fresh coat on wood doors is required to protect against moisture and UV damage. Fiberglass doors require no such maintenance. They are easily cleaned using mild soap and are naturally protected against humidity and UV.

Time is Money

We’ve all heard the phrase “time is money”, and this applies to Fiberglass doors versus wood in more ways than one. Investing in a new fiberglass door will not only save you real dollars through energy efficiency and reduced maintenance costs, it will also save you headaches for the life of your home. Nobody wants to spend time treating their door on a regular basis, and this is unfortunately a requirement when you decide to purchase a new wood door. Fiberglass doors will save you money, time, and last your home a lifetime.

If you’re in the market for a new front door, we are here to serve! Check out Knockety’s selection of fiberglass doors and get started on designing the door of your dreams!